Friday, May 28, 2010

national parks

Pick a park
Tell the physical location of the park - what state its in.
Show a picture of location on a map
Give a one sentence explanation of why this park is special and set aside as a national park.
Tell something unique about its geology.(mountain, river, grassland???)
5 favorite pictures of the park.

You may present as a powerpoint on off a word document.

Yellowstone - Gabby, Victoria
Everglades - Erin and Ashley
Glacier - Chelsea and Brunk
Death Valley - Sharon and Sara
Grand Canyon - Bridget and Jo
Yosemite - Amanda and EPL
Hot Springs - Grayson and Niki
Cuyahoga - Sierra and Kayla
Sequoia and King Canyon - Sorrell and Layla
Hawaii Volcano - McGuire and Bittell
Olympic National Park - Julie and Michelle
Smokey Mountains - Ward
Crater Lake - Monica and Beatrice
Channel Islands - Sava and Rita