Monday, January 26, 2009

Orientation and Region Quiz practice

True or False

______1. The frontal plane splits the body into left and right halves.
______2. The sagittal plane is the same thing as the transverse plane.
______3. If a straight line were to be cut through the body from the head to the feet it would be called a sagittal cut.
______4. The feet are the most distal portion of the leg.
______5. The scapular region is on the anterior side of the body.
______6. The correct anatomical position has the palms turned toward the ventral side.
______7. The pinky is medial compared to the thumb in the anatomical position.
______8. A body is still referred to in anatomical positions if it is laying down (like in a morgue).
______9. The transverse plane is the same as a cross-section from biology class.
______10. The cephalic area is superior to the cervical region.
______11. Dorsal and superficial mean the same thing.
______12. The patellar region is also known as the shin.
______13. The sacral region is the chest.
______14. Digits are fingers.
______15. Pedal means hand.
______16. The inside of the elbow should be facing anteriorly in the anatomical position.
______17. Being the closer attachment point to the body is the definition of inferior.
______18. Your skin is a superficial organ.
______19. The fingers are the most distal point of the arm.
______20. The shoulder is the proximal point of attachment of the arm.

anatomy practice quiz

_____1. The golfer’s shoulders are bisecting his body into right and left halves – which plane would this be?
A. sagittal B. frontal C. transverse

_____2. Which end of the club is the head at?
A. proximal B. distal

_____3. Which side of the golfer’s left hand is facing the viewer?
A. anterior B. posterior

_____4. Which knee is bent?
A. left B. right

_____5. Which hand is more medial in this pose?
A. left B. right

_____6. Which is most proximal to the shoulder?
A. hand B. wrist C. elbow

_____7. Which is most lateral?
A. 1st metatarsal B. 3rd metatarsal C. 5th metatarsal

_____8. If we were to make a clean cut of the golfer’s club halfway down the shaft, which plane would that be?
A. sagittal B. frontal C. tranvserve

_____9. What plane presents a front and back side of an object?
A. sagittal B. frontal C. transverse

_____10. Which of the following is the most superficial?
A. bone B. muscle C. skin D. hair

Week of Monday, January 26, 2009 - Anatomy


Monday, Jan 26
Quiz – directions and regions of the body
Review upper arm bones
Finish upper arm/shoulder
Pectoral girdle worksheet

Tuesday, Jan 27
Review wrist, etc…
Pelvic girdle lower leg
Give worksheet for skull bones to learn for Wed

Wednesday, Jan 28
Quiz on upper arm bone/pectoral girdle
Review lower leg, ankle, foot bones
Function and parts of skull
Skull bones

Thursday, Jan 29
Review and continue skull bones
Finish bones with vertebrae and ribs
Vertebrae comparison activity
List all 206 bones
Time on internet to research bone websites

Friday, Jan 30 (sub) (slightly shorter classes)
Quiz on lower leg, ankle, foot bones
Structure of bone book research activity
Time on computers to research bone diseases

Quiz next Tuesday on skull bones

For the physical science "D" block

In honor of Ms. Ortiz's shoes, the first person to email me the correct answer gets 2 bonus points.

What is the name of a person who fixes shoes?

Week of Monday, January 26, 2009

Physical Science

Monday, Jan 26

First bell work

Collect NASA metric article

How to measure volumes (liquid and solid)

Making sure we know our conversions

Worksheet on measuring volumes

Measuring volumes lab

Tuesday, Jan 27

Quiz on measuring lengths

Quick activity on measuring volume of irregularly shaped objects.

“Great race” measuring activity

Introduction to metric conversion math (differential analysis)

Practice problems for metric conversions for homework.

Wednesday, Jan 28 (short day)

Correct H.W.

Introductory lab with CBL’s. Measuring length using CBL

(begin putting logger pro on laptops group by group)

Thursday, Jan 29

Finish whatever was not completed Wednesday.

Data collection.How to make a pie graph lesson.

Friday, Jan 30 (sub) (slightly shortened classes – 80 min)

Quiz on metric conversions using differential analysis.

Survey activity to be turned in.

Line graph activity packet to be done in class then homework.